Brad Morgan, Director, Emerging Minds: 'I think from a happiness perspective - that is a desirable outcome we all want for our children. In my mind I think it's thinking of happiness as the predominant feeling we have about our lives; that we feel hopeful and happy. But it's actually important for us to feel anger and sadness because they're emotions that help us respond to what's happening around us. So, when we experience grief, if we've lost our pet or a family member - that's really important for us to be sad about, that that's what we do, and we need to feel those feelings. But it's when those feelings dominate, and that we lose hope or we lose a sense of positivity about our future, I think that's when it becomes problematic. Because when you're not feeling hopeful about the future it does impact on how you might interact with other people, how you engage in your learning and play. So, I think that sort of, for us is, we do tend to want to view children just as happy, and adults just as happy. But I guess, for us, the full suite of emotions is a really important part of being human and part of how we live our lives.'